Monday, March 17, 2014


So....I took some pictures of the nursery. In October. And decided I should share them on the Blog. In March.

We'll take a quick spin around the little room first and then go back for a few details (if you're still interested). And as soon as I finish posting this I'll have to go take more pictures of a few updates. Because it has changed since October. Maybe not as much as Graham has, but still. It has changed.

Upon walking in the door, visitors quickly know who they're looking for with Graham's name boldly labeling the wall.

 Turn to the left and we see the snuggle/nursing/reading/mom's middle of the night sleeping corner.

 And spin a little more to the left and it's Graham's changing and dressing station.


Keep going and you're out of the room in no time. 


So back to the beginning with some details: 

  • The letters for his name are from Hobby Lobby and then painted blue. 
  • The green and white lamp shade is from Target; the lamp itself is from Aaron's college dorm room, spray painted to oil rubbed bronze to bring it back to life. 
  • The mobile is a functional addition from when Graham was 5 or so months old to help him get to sleep. It's from a second hand store in Fargo and I was pretty happy to get one that sort of matched the room and played music to serve a (sleeping) purpose.  
  • The growth chart is homemade from our good friend Kris. It's actual barnwood from her family's farm!
  • The Hungry Caterpillar quilt is the handiwork of Grandma Ange and adds lots of fun color to the room (when Graham's not sleeping in the crib). 

Over to the left, we've turned the stubborn corner with the utility box into a great opportunity to showcase more of Grandma's quilting skills.


I had a fabric-covered canvas in this spot before - which achieved the purpose of covering the box. But when Grandma Ange and I saw a fun, modern pattern for a wall hanging, we knew we (we means she) could turn the utility box eyesore into something much better. I had the fabric from Graham's monthly photos and Grandma had the skills to transform them into something great. I love how it turned out and as it's directly behind the chair that Graham and I spend a lot of time in, I can tell you he definitely likes it too. He loooves to look over my shoulder and smile at all the colors and shapes.
  • Also to note here is the blanket over the chair which is gift from Bobcat with Graham's name and birth date on it.
  • The table with his books is an old IKEA table that I painted white and then added some fabric to.
  • And for anyone keeping track, you might notice the window treatment is a different color than it was pre-baby. Once we added the wall hanging to that wall, the old orange fabric competed too much with it since it wasn't the same orange. So I covered it up with more of the same blue that's in the hanging. Now it complements instead of competes! 

Over to the changing and dressing area, I love all the details, but will just mention one thing -- the frame with expressions in it is a gift from one of the agencies I work closely with. They sneaked onto my Pinterest board before Graham was born to get an idea for colors and sayings I liked. They surprised me with it the Friday before Graham was born (perfect timing!) and it has served as the starting point for little man's room.

Since you can't really read it that well from my distant picture, the sayings are:
  • From small things come great love
  • Together we make a family
  • You are my sunshine
  • Our sweet baby
  • First we had each other, then we had you, now we have everything.

It has been a great little nursery for the last year and hopefully Graham still likes it now that he will start having an opinion about these things.

Stay tuned for a few updates....(hint: one includes how we made even more use of the monthly photo fabric). You're on the edge of your seat ... I know. If you're lucky I'll post it within the next 4 years.

10 Months Old

Graham is 10 months old!

Except that he's actually a year and we had his birthday party this weekend. But the rule is that I don't get to post about it until I'm caught up on everything else. Here's Graham telling me to follow the rules. 


Let's do this!

 I'm gonna get you Mom!

Always moving.

Which is hilarious.

Happy BIG boy!

We're still doing this?

But I don't want to!

Oooh, a butterfly.

 But seriously, this is boring.

And awful!


Let's just get the quilt pic over with. I'll smile for ONE.

Chair pic wrap-up.

Things to note at 10 months old
Holds his own bottle
First cheese (hated it)
First visit to the Wiggle Room at the library.
First yogurt (loved it!)
Got Hand, Foot and Mouth AND infantigo. Thank you, Daycare.
Pulled himself up on his own for the first time on December 17.
Loves to clap his hands!
Shakes his head "no" and knows what it means.
First Christmas
Loves Patty Cake
Started to "creep" along furniture.
Getting so much hair!
Transitioned out of the baby room on January 6. Now in the "mobile to 18 months" room (Huggable Hippos).
First tooth started popping through on January 8!
Started Kindermusik. He.Loves.It.So.Much!! (squeals and laughs the whole time!)

Oh how we love our little Graham cracker.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

First Christmas(es)

Graham had a great first Christmas!

He got into unwrapping presents much more than I anticipated and it was lots of fun to see him get in on the action.

First up - Christmas at daycare.


Graham definitely took a leadership position with his friends when opening the present we gave to his "Kuddly Koalas Baby Room."

"Here, guys - let me show you. It's best if you stand on the present and then tear."

Oooh, ahhhh.

Posing by the Christmas background.


On Christmas Eve, we put on our Christmas sweater and went to Mass with Grandma and Grandpa Hill and Auntie Chelsey. He did really well through the whole service - never cried once!

4 generations picture back at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Family picture. (could he look any cuter smiling for this picture? Sigh...)

He loved Grandma's special decoration with dancing penguins and snowmen.

And unwrapping presents. How awesome to get new sweatpants and St. John's gear. Daddy was sooo proud!


Let's not forget how fun the ribbon is.

Until he lost his patience. 

Time for Christmas PJs.

Mini Mike.... :)

Special snuggles with Grandma.

Next up was a road trip to Owatonna for Christmas Day with the extended Paukert family.

Our happy traveler.

Perhaps the coolest part of Christmas with the extended family was how much Graham's second cousin, Charlie, loved him. Charlie lit up with a big smile when Graham came into the room, giving him lots of hugs and kisses. So.darn.cute.

Family picture at the hotel. 

The next day we stumbled upon a Christmas bonus and got to visit both Clara Griffith and Deacon Schema - two babies born within days of Graham whose parents are dear friends of mama's from college and now live too far away for regular visits. Of course I forgot to take pictures with Deacon. But we got a few with Clara!

We met up with Emily and Clara at a coffee shop in the cities. The babies had fun chasing each other around with their speedy crawling skills.

A great picture? No. A great time anyway? Yes! Always fun to get to see these two. 

Trying to get Graham to smile. Not falling for it.

Clara loves her tongue (and her mama) too!

The Christmas joy continued the next weekend with Christmas at the farm.

Opening presents.

Checking out my new sled with Grandpa. 

 I like it.

Correction. I LOVE it! 

Somewhere between all the Christmases we attempted a little bit of Christmas at home. Graham was a little underwhelmed with it.

He literally rammed into the chair when crawling... :)

Loves to stand against the coffee table.

Now we're talking, mom. Presents!

Just cute.

One more Christmas to go...Christmas with Uncle Eric and Grandma!

Grandma reading me my new book from Great Aunt Kay in Florida. 

 Uncle Eric got me a "My First Tractor" book to help me start learning all about farming.

Staying in the farm theme, here's my new barn animal puzzle.

Fascinated with the new race track toy. 

Graham says thank you to all his special grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends for helping him have such a great First Christmas. He is such a loved little boy!