Graham did a great job flying; in fact I joked that he was actually more of a handful when he was on a plane with us before he was born (I had some pain while flying pregnant with him last December...also to Phoenix). We flew direct and he nursed on the way up and the way down. Slept for the first half of the flight and when he woke up he was all smiles. I'm confident flying with a toddler is much more challenging...
Anyway, we made it to Phoenix and Graham enjoyed seeing so many family members and taking in all the activities.
The rehearsal dinner...
Time with Uncle Derek.
Hugs with Grandma.
Jilly's pretty necklace.
Aaron practicing his duties.
Playing with Dad and Grandpa.
Mama enjoyed poolside too.
While on the trip, Graham sat in a high chair (at a restaurant) like a big boy for the first time.
And we went to lunch at SanTan Brewery while there, so Aaron of course thought this was about the coolest picture of his son, ever.
He had a bit of a cough while there (still does actually), so we sat in the bathroom and steamed a little.

This is what morning looked like in our bed. He didn't sleep the greatest on the trip (still isn't) so family snuggles were a way to get a few more winks.
On to the main event. Graham cleaned up well for the wedding.
For that matter, all three of us did.
Nothing compared to the happy couple though.
Aaron and his siblings.
More time with Uncle Derek.
We love auntie Chelsey.
And auntie Jill.
Uncle Doug is just a tad nuts about G too.
My little man and me.
And I can't even believe how well Graham did into the night with the reception and dance. He went to all his aunts and uncles, danced on the dance floor, laughed with everyone, napped in our arms, and made it to bed in one piece.
Daddy always makes him laugh the loudest.
All smiles.
Could he look any more like Grandpa Mike here?
The dance ended at 10:00 which was perfect. That's a late night for all of us by our new standards and Graham had been more than a sport making it that long.
On Monday it was time to fly home.
He did a great job flying again. We had such a great time celebrating Uncle Derek and Aunt Tina's wedding and it was a very welcomed mid-October vacation.